Monday, 23 April 2012

Loss Protection @ Your Retail Store

Ramesh, was a dedicated Customer Sales Associate with a well known retail store for many years. But, the income that he was earning was not sufficient for his living expenses and his life style. He often saw many of  his customers lead a lavish lifestyle and wanted to live a flashy lifestyle as well.

What he forgot was that many of his "customers" were often well educated and often worked very hard in their businesses or offices to be able to lead such a life. Very few really had "easy money". He often saw, day in and day out, how even these customers would look for value in the purchases.

Opportunity ?
One day, he saw what was a simple and easy way to make money. His owner / franchisee had gone out of the store, and had left him to manage the store. Since the store inventory was taken only once a month, a pair of expensive sports shoes went "missing". No body noticed it and it was only during the monthly check, the loss was discovered.Though every one was surprised, no body could come out with a reason.

Solution :-
As things began to disappear with more frequency, the owner decided to "investigate" and without any one's knowledge, installed a CC TV in the store, which was connected to the net. This way, he could watch the store, even while not being in the store.

It was only a matter of time, he tracked the losses to Ramesh and confronted him with evidence. Ramesh had no  choice but to accept or face the police.

Loss for life :-
He not only lost his job, but also face within his family, and found it very difficult to find another job, as potential owners wanted references before they employed a new comer. And Ramesh could hardly give his old owner as a reference.

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