There are many descriptions for the various "steps" that are mentioned in the process of making a sale.
G - Greet the customer, it can be just a nodding your head with pleasant smile,
U - Unfold the customers needs with a smooth conversation,
E - Explain the customer regarding the product with their unique qualities,
S - Selling the product to the customer, make sure selling the product should not be the end of the relationship with the customer, it is infact should be the begining of the relationship with the customer,
T -Thanking the customer after selling, never forget to thank the customer after the transaction is completed).
In an article by Vinod Kumar M, Branch Manager /Regional Manage of Kiah Life Style Pvt Ltd.
G.U.E.S.T - Isn't it what we want each of the walkins to our store, to feel ... Guest who felt "Wanted"
This is a good example, to remember how to treat a customer and complete the selling process. Whether the sale was completed or it may not , this time...
Why not try out this process at the next available opportunity, and see if you have been able to improve the sales performance, in terms of closure ?
Share with your sales / retail team about this word GUEST .
Best of luck and happy selling,
Join us on Twitter, Linkedin,FB @ RetailGurukul
Call us at 0 90360 365 24.
G - Greet the customer, it can be just a nodding your head with pleasant smile,
U - Unfold the customers needs with a smooth conversation,
E - Explain the customer regarding the product with their unique qualities,
S - Selling the product to the customer, make sure selling the product should not be the end of the relationship with the customer, it is infact should be the begining of the relationship with the customer,
T -Thanking the customer after selling, never forget to thank the customer after the transaction is completed).
In an article by Vinod Kumar M, Branch Manager /Regional Manage of Kiah Life Style Pvt Ltd.
G.U.E.S.T - Isn't it what we want each of the walkins to our store, to feel ... Guest who felt "Wanted"
This is a good example, to remember how to treat a customer and complete the selling process. Whether the sale was completed or it may not , this time...
Why not try out this process at the next available opportunity, and see if you have been able to improve the sales performance, in terms of closure ?
Share with your sales / retail team about this word GUEST .
Best of luck and happy selling,
Join us on Twitter, Linkedin,FB @ RetailGurukul
Call us at 0 90360 365 24.
Yes, it is important to make your customer feel like a Guest and this applies to not only physical properties, but also web properties like websites and blogs.
In fact we offer writing and marketing services that make the visitor feel more than a guest and would make them wish to become a part of the extended family, which is, the loyal network of clients.
In the field of business, they say that "the customer is always right". luton meet and greet parking
Treat a customer like he or she is one of your family members. cheap car parking Birmingham
Developing the customer's trust during the initial stages is the most hectic and critical part. So the strategies should be unique and appealing for the visitors.
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