Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Will you volunteer to have a BOSS :) :(

Yes, The question is correct. If you had a choice between having a Boss and not having a Boss, will you still have one?

It is said, that in life, you cannot choose your parents, and in your company::_-  your Boss, your subordinates, your peers etc . At home too, after  you have had some choice in choosing your spouse, what are the other spaces where you can get yourself a "BOSS" if you want.?

There are still a few things in this world,  that you would have started to do something on your own for your own sake. Not for the sake of your parents, company, spouse, kids, friends etc.
For example, stock market investment , Gyming as part of your new year resolution , even a small time business on your own.

Now is the choice for you to either learn and do it on your own with all the trial and errors and costs associated with it.. After all, you want to do it and no body pushed you. Right ?

But then, is it the right thing ? Finally, what does a Boss typically do ? Help you set a target, monitor your progress, push you when you are sticking to the mutually agreed target , be a shoulder to sometimes at least go and cry / crib/ complain etc. And, kick your  @#$% sometimes if you failed ...

Now compare all these benefits of not having a BOSS . Ex. A Gym. The coach there is there to help you, yet if you skip your schedule, he at best can ask you couple of times. At best, he might send you some messages etc. But ultimately, it is you who has to decide whether to go to the gym or not. All this after having paid the full 3/6 /12 months fees in advance, running in thousands of hard earned rupees. Yet, finally, you give up half way through, saying you dont have time !

Now let us see if you had instead got a BOSS at the same gym. He would ensure that, ( you have paid up the 1000's of Rs ), that he will sit with you and set a target of say loosing 10 kgs in 12 months. He will then ask and get you to come to the gym every second day, and an average of 4 days in a week, including week ends. Then he will set up a schedule of workouts , monitor your workouts, your diet,  sit with you with your performance report, about the attendance, target vs achievement ( why have you been missing the classes, why and what have you been eating, you are short of your target by 300 gms for the month etc etc ).

At the end of the quarter, he would have applauded you in front of your other colleaques for the achievements, given you a gift , and pushed you to the next higher target of say 1.25 kgs next month.

So, net , net would you like to have a Boss ? or not ?

I certainly would, considering that it was my money, my target . All I need is sometimes , a kick in my @#$% so that the target is achieved and it is all for my benefit.

What say ? 


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